Library Services
Interlibrary Loan
Patrons and students can access valuable resources in other libraries. $2.00 per request.
20 cents per page
$2.00 per document to scan to flash drive
Computer Printouts
20 cents per page – Black and White
50 cents per side – Color
5 Free Resumes/Day
Elementary-High School Free Homework (not valid if parent is printing out the homework)
$2.50 to send or receive up to 10 pages and an additional $1.00 per each extra 10 pages.
$1 for time sheets
Free Resumes and Job Applications
This service is FREE and we have a notary at Bowling Green, Dawn, Ladysmith, and Port Royal branches. Please call to make sure the notary is available.
Access the internet anywhere with a strong cellular signal!
This service is free and available to all adult patrons (18+) with a library card in good standing. Subject to availability and limited to one per household at a time. For more information on our hotspots please see our User Agreement.
Branch Fax Numbers
Bowling Green 804-633-9069
Ladysmith 804-448-3124
Dawn 804-280-0074
Port Royal 804-742-5263