LS – Mother Goose Story Time
We are requesting that you call the Ladysmith Branch (448-0357) to sign-up for story time. Bring your little ones for social interaction while enjoying a variety of stories and songs. (Ages Birth-2)
We are requesting that you call the Ladysmith Branch (448-0357) to sign-up for story time. Bring your little ones for social interaction while enjoying a variety of stories and songs. (Ages Birth-2)
Moon of the Turning Leaves is Rice’s exhilarating return to the world first explored in the phenomenal breakout bestseller Moon of the Crusted Snow: a brooding story of survival, resilience, Indigenous identity, and rebirth. Join us online as we chat with this amazing author on Tuesday, February 11 at 7 PM ET via digital live-stream in partnership with Caroline County Library! Register and ask questions of the author here.